Life Insurance | Underwritten by United of Omaha Life Insurance Company
Life Insurance | Underwritten by United of Omaha Life Insurance Company
Years of Experience
Secure Financial Strength

Universal Life Insurance: Flexible, Permanent Protection

Why Universal Life Insurance?

Universal Life Insurance from Mutual of Omaha offers a blend of lifelong coverage and adaptability. It allows you to adjust premiums and death benefits, and accumulate cash value tax-deferred, suiting various life stages and financial goals.

Mutual of Omaha Permanent Insurance could be right for you if:

Want lifelong protection for your loved ones from the financial impacts of your passing.
Value the potential to build cash value for future needs like college funding or emergencies.
Need the flexibility to adjust your payments and death benefit amount.
Are looking for additional retirement savings options beyond IRAs or 401(k)s.

Our Universal Life Insurance Products

Life Protection Advantage™

Indexed Universal Life

Guarantees death benefit coverage through age 90, with potential for greater cash value growth. Includes downside protection and flexible options like accessible cash value and added benefit riders.

Income Advantage™

Indexed Universal Life

Emphasizes cash growth, tied to market index performance, with downside protection and the potential for significant future income

AccumUL Answers

Universal Life

Focuses on robust cash accumulation using a declared interest rate, ensuring guaranteed earnings of at least 2% annually.

A Mutual of Omaha Advisor Can Help You

Key Features of Universal Life Insurance

Permanent Coverage
Enjoy peace of mind with coverage that lasts a lifetime as long as premiums are paid.
Accelerated Death Benefits
Access part of your death benefit early in case of terminal or chronic illness.
Tax Advantages
Benefit from an income tax-free death benefit and the potential for tax-deferred cash value growth and tax-free policy loans/withdrawals.
Flexible Premiums and Benefits
Tailor your premium payments, payment frequency, and death benefit amount to fit your changing life.

Why Mutual of Omaha?

Personalized Guidance

Our team of professionals is here to help you navigate your Universal Life options. We'll answer your questions and provide the guidance you need to make an informed decision.

Comprehensive Coverage

Designed to provide enduring protection for your family, our policies cover end-of-life expenses and offer emergency cash value access.

Simplified Process

We make exploring options and applying for a plan easy, with an expert team always ready to assist.

A Trusted Brand

With over a century of experience, Mutual of Omaha is a name you can trust for your Universal Life Insurance solution.

Frequently Asked Questions

Both universal and whole life insurance are types of permanent life insurance, providing lifelong coverage and cash value benefits. The key difference lies in flexibility and predictability. Whole life insurance offers a consistent coverage amount and fixed premiums, providing stability. Universal life insurance, in contrast, offers more flexibility in premium payments and death benefit amounts, along with an element of risk due to its variable nature.

Universal and term life insurance cater to different needs. Universal life is a permanent insurance option with flexible premiums and death benefits, also accumulating cash value over time. Term life, on the other hand, is a temporary solution offering fixed coverage for a specific period without any cash value component. In essence, term life focuses on straightforward protection for a set time, while universal life provides flexible, lifelong coverage with added investment potential.

The cost of universal life insurance is influenced by factors like the chosen death benefit and your life expectancy. Critical elements such as age, gender, tobacco usage, and overall health play a role in determining the premium. With universal life insurance, you'll find a range of premium options, giving you the freedom to select a payment amount that aligns with your financial situation and coverage needs.

Acquiring a universal life policy is a streamlined process, typically completed within a month. The first step is connecting with an agent who will guide you through the application. Depending on your situation, a medical examination may be required. Once all necessary information is gathered, your application undergoes evaluation. Upon approval, your personalized insurance policy is issued and delivered to you.

Given the tailored nature of universal life insurance, our agents play a crucial role in the process. Your agent will work closely with you, understanding your family dynamics, life situation, and financial objectives to formulate your insurance goals. They'll guide you through the available options, ensuring you select the policy that best fits your needs. Besides assisting in policy selection, your agent is there to answer questions and help implement your life insurance strategy.

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